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About the instructions and performance classification of fluorine-lined butterfly valves

date:[2020-09-03]     pk_hits:

Regarding the instructions for the use of fluorine-lined butterfly valves; the models of the valves are based on the type of fluid used, pressure, temperature range and other factors. Therefore, when selecting a valve, be sure to confirm the respective "Instructions for Use" and "Available Range" before using it. If it is used without following the regulations within the scope of the instructions for use of the valve, accidents may occur.


The performance classification of fluorine-lined butterfly valve is as follows:  

1. Classified by structure: (1) Central sealing butterfly valve (2) Single eccentric sealing coal valve (3) Double eccentric sealing butterfly valve (4) Triple eccentric sealing valve   

2. Classified by sealing surface material: (1) Soft sealing butterfly valve. (2) The sealing pair is composed of non-metallic soft material to non-metallic soft material. (3) The sealing pair is composed of metallic hard materials and non-metallic soft materials. (4) Metal hard sealing butterfly valve. The sealing pair is composed of a metal hard material to a metal hard material.

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